2018 March: dip update 4/n
[Orig: March 22, 2018]
Hello everyone,
A dip in brightness began Friday (2018 March 16). Here is the updated light curve as of an hour ago including two new measurements from TFN and ELP.
We now show these data in two graphs. The first is the full light curve from 2017 May until now. The second is a close up view showing the beginning of 2018 observing season until now. The profile of the new dip having a slow decline with a more rapid increase is again reminiscent to that of a backwards-comet (see last paragraph of Section 5.4 here).
More later!
~Tabby and team
PS: These observations are happening because of the wonderful backers of our 2016 Kickstarter project. The Kickstarter campaign has ended, but we are still accepting donations to purchase additional observing time on the LCO 0.4m network. Thanks in advance for your support!